CISC 322 Assignment 0

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The Eclipse Programming Environment

Due Friday September 16, 2005.

This assignment is intended to introduce you to some of the technologies we will be using in this course. This assigment will not be graded. Part 2 and part 3 of the assignment should not be submitted.

Part 1: Forming a Group

The remaining assignments in this course will be performed in groups of three people. You should form a group with your classmates, and then email the following information to Chris Wolfe (

  • The name, student number and qlink id of each group member.
  • A name for your group

If you are having trouble finding a group, use the Looking for Group topic in the forum.

Part 2: Learning Eclipse

The goal of this part is simply to create a program in Java that when run, displays the numbers 1 through 10 on the console window. By doing this, you will learn the basics of Eclipse, including how to start the environment, create a new project, use the editor, and run a program.

  • You can use Eclipse in the CASLab, or you can download it to use at home.
  • To get started with Eclipse, you may wish to run through the tutorials. The first tutorial, on the workbench, can be accessed in the environment via the menu Help|Help Contents, then opening Workbench User Manual|Getting Started. Do the Basic Tutorial; there is no need to do the Ant or CVS tutorials, as we will not be using these features in this course. Within the Basic Tutorial, you can skip the following sections for now: Exporting Files and Working with Other Editors.
  • The workbench tutorial taught you about creating projects and manipulating files, but didn't tell you how to actually create and run a Java program. Open Java Development User Guide|Getting Started and work through the Basic Tutorial. You can skip the Project Configuration tutorial for now, although you may wish to consult it later in the term.
  • Finally, put together what you have learned, and create a new project containing a program that prints out the numbers 1 through 10 on the console window.

Part 3: Creating a JSP Application

(Optional) Later in the course, you will be creating applications using JavaServer Pages (JSP.) You don't need to learn how to create JSP applications now, but for those who are interested, here is how to configure JSP applications in Eclipse.