CISC 322 Weekly Updates

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All readings refer to books described on the main course page. The timeline listed below is approximate, and will be adjusted throughout the course.

Week 1: Sept 12-16 Problems in Software Engineering; The Role of Software Architecture No labs this week

Assignment 0 Due Fri Sept 16 (no hand-in required)

Lecture notes: Fundamentals of Software Engineering

Readings on Java (over next few weeks): You will already be familiar with the Java constructs for classes and inheritance. Work through Eckel (or equivalent Java text) to fill in any gaps in your knowledge. The relevant chapters in Eckel are:

  • Chapter 1, up to but not including the section on "Object landscapes and lifetimes"
  • Chapter 2, particularly the sections on documentation and coding styles
  • Chapter 5, particularly technical issues on working with packages and access modifiers
  • Chapter 6, for details on inheritance and casting
  • Chapter 7, for details on polymorphism
  • Chapter 8, for working on interfaces

We will be using the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 in this course. Read about new features in Java 5.0, particularly on generics and the enhanced for loop.

Week 2: Sept 19-23 Software Architectural Views (Connector View, Dataflow View, Class View) Labs start this week

Lecture notes: Expressing Architectural Structure

Readings: Fowler: Chapter 1, Chapter 8, Chapter 14

Week 3: Sept 26-30 Designing Software Architectures: Component Decomposition, Interfaces, Protocols Lecture notes: Component Interfaces
Week 4: Oct 3-7 Specifying Component Interfaces Assignment 1 Due Mon Oct 3

Lecture notes: Protocols

Readings: Fowler: Chapter 4

Week 5: Oct 10-14 Precise Specification of Component Interfaces No class on Oct 10 (Thanksgiving Holiday)

Lecture notes: Precise Interface Specification

Week 6: Oct 17-21 Specifying architectures using the class perspective Assignment 2 Due Thu Oct 20

Readings: Fowler: Chapters 3, 5

Lecture notes: Object-Oriented Design: The Class Perspective

Week 7: Oct 24-28 Web-Based Architectures Midterm Wed Oct 26, In Class

Readings: The entirety of Hall and Brown is now useful. Particularly consider:

  • Chapter 9 on session tracking
  • Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 14 on JSP
  • Chapter 19 on HTML forms

Tutorial: If you have not yet done so, complete the online tutorial for creating a JSP application in Eclipse. This will help in creating your own JSP applications using Eclipse and the Jetty Servlet Container.

Lecture notes: Web-Based Architectures Using JSP

Week 8: Oct 31-Nov 4 Architectural Qualities (Performance, Availability, Modifiability, Reusability) Lecture notes: Quality Attribute-Based Architectural Analysis: Performance and Maintainability
Week 9: Nov 7-11 Architectural Qualities (Security, Portability, Testability) Readings: Bass, Clements, Kazman, Chapter 4
Week 10: Nov 14-18 Architectural Styles Assignment 3 Due Mon Nov 14

Readings: Bass, Clements, Kazman, Chapter 5

Week 11: Nov 21-25 Design Patterns Readings: Gamma, Helm, Vlissides, Johnson: Chapters on Facade, Adapter, Singleton, Abstract Factory Design Patterns
Week 12: Nov 28-Dec 2 Review Assignment 4 Due Fri Dec 2