Jungle of Love Sexual Education Game

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This project involves the development of a video game for educational purposes to assist young people in navigating healthy relationships. This work is in collaboration with a Public Health Nurse who works for the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit in the Gananoque Branch Office.

An early attempt to create such a game was here: StoriEd: Development of Story-Based Games without Programming.


Message Board

Use this area here for little messages or notes for the rest of the group! On the edit screen click the signature and timestamp button (second from the right of the icons above the text window) and then enter your message.

--Caitlin 15:58, 3 Oct 2006 (EDT): here's what I have so far, hopefully it can be useful! any suggestions/changes more than welcome ^^;

General Information

NEXT MEETING -> Sometime this Thursday?

Type of meeting -> students and supervisor

Info on Caitlin

Info on Anthony

Info on Graeme

Project Plan

Project Plan due on October 2nd


Create requirements document. Includes, for instance, problem definition from user's point of view outlines of best solution

- identification of required and optional aspects

- identification of relevant resource limitations

- identification of acceptance criteria

Due: Oct 30, 2006


This document describes all data, architectural, interface and component-level design for the software.

Design Document due on November 27nd