Structures and their Roles

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In Life is a Village, a village and the area around it contains numerous structures fulfilling different roles. Structures include places for people to live, workshops and industrial buildings that make the production of goods more efficient, and other structures simply intended to make the village more beautiful.

Here, we list some of the kinds of structures one might find in a village. This list is a guideline only.



In order to encourage people to move to the town, the player needs to provide them with places to live. The larger and more hospitable the structure, the more people will be attracted.

Smaller Houses

  • Wattle hut
  • Tee-pee
  • Igloo
  • Log cabin
  • Stone house
  • One room brick house
  • One room stucco house

Larger Houses

  • Long house
  • Half-timber house
  • Wooden frame house
  • Stone manor house
  • Brick house
  • Stucco house

Housing Add-ons

Part of the fun of housing is customizing it. Here are examples of the kinds of things a player might be permitted to add / modify on a house.

  • Roof
    • Peaked roof; flat roof; slate roof; copper roof; steel roof
  • Porch
  • Patio
  • Chimney
  • Turret

Decorative structures

These structures make the village more interesting. They increase the happiness of the village's inhabitants, making them more effective workers and increasing the village's population.

  • Fountain
  • Bench
  • Bush
  • Statue
  • Bandstand (with band)
  • Dock
  • Church
    • Mosque, synagogue, temple
  • Post office
  • Flower pot
  • Pond
  • Flowers
  • Wall/fence
    • Wooden fence; stone wall; brick wall
  • Gate
    • Wooden gate; wooden stile; iron stile; stone stile

Transportation structures

These structures speed travel over difficult terrain and make some forms of terrain passable. For example, a river can be crossed if there is a bridge.


Roads speed up travel. The better the road, the faster the travel. Roads can make it easier to move up steep areas. Kinds of road include:

  • Dirt road, gravel road, cobblestone road

Bridges and Steps

Bridges help make impassable areas passable, or can speed up travel over difficult terrain. For example, a bridge might span a ravine or a river. Kinds of bridges include:

  • Log bridge, wooden bridge, stone bridge

Steps can make it easier to climb steep areas. Kinds of steps include:

  • Wooden steps, stone steps

Industrial/Commercial structures

These structures help in the production of resources.

Primary Resource Production

To help in production of primary resources, various camps can be built. Primary resource workers can bring their resources to the camps instead of walking all the way to the village. This means that they spend more time gathering resources and less time walking. Each camp comes with a horse and cart, so that goods can be delivered to the village in bulk. The different kinds of camp include:

  • Logging camp for gathering wood
  • Quarry station for gathering stone
  • Farm house for gathering food
  • Fishing hut
    • Introduces boat; increases food production

Secondary Resource Production

Secondary resources are those produced from primary resources. The primary resources first have to be collected, then processed in the appropriate structure.

  • Saw mill
    • Allows production of shaped wood
  • Silo
    • Speeds food production
  • Grocery shop
    • Increases population

Resource Types

This is a partial and evolving list of resource types in the game.

Primary resources

Primary resources are gathered from the landscape.

  • Stone
  • Logs
  • Sand
  • Clay
  • Fish
  • Ore (copper, iron, …)
  • Berries

Secondary resources

Secondary resources are created from primary resources.

  • Marble (from stone)
  • Brick
  • Glass
  • Metal (from ore)
  • Cut wood (from wood)
  • Cut stone (from stone)
  • Dye
  • Paint