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This part should present different user testing each time it's useful to choose between different design input method or improve already implemented functionality or feedback of them. If you want to return to the main page of this project: Backtracking

First user test

This informal test, is the first of a probably long series. The goal is test is multiple:

  • Have different feedback on specific functionality:
    • About the gamepad thumbstick use to change direction.
    • About the feedback of the avatar when you move.
    • About what you feel when you use the bike on ice or other different ground.
  • Give opinion about that functionality, and more generally.
  • Present what i have done at my colleagues since I'm at Equis lab.

This test phase have been share between two days, the first only the user A test cause to not enough time. Theses feedback have been important, and easy to fix for many of them.

user A:

  • Ice not enough slicing.
  • Brakes not enough efficient.
  • Pad to change direction sometime don't take you new direction.
  • A weird bug of direction, sometime the upper part of the tank don't turn, but the tank go in other direction.
  • Not enough difference between wood and grass.

All this problems (expect the bug of direction) have been solve in few minutes. The direction trouble have been modify next morning. The next day i ask to the same user (A) to test again on the new version of the game. user A:

  • I have forgot to add the brake on the bike...
  • Object on ice have a better behavior.
  • But the bike have a feedback not clear cause by the symmetrical of his seat.
  • The using of pedals clockwise for break is a good think.
  • The wheel of the tank are sometimes too close. why do not solve this with stack wheel ?

The problem of asymmetrical seat should be solve when i will add an avatar on the seat. The problem of wheel too close have been solve by modify directly the position of the wheel.

After that, user B and C test my game:

user B:

  • At high speed, you don't feel the difference between the different surface.
  • When you pedaling fast, the tank have too much speed (all the avatar is dis-form).
  • When you press twice left pad, your avatar is completely loose, you can't track them with the camera.

user C:

  • Not enough difference between the surfaces.
  • The tank feedback is better that the unicycle feedback. Unicycle have to rotate to be more fun.

For the user B, the problem of camera have been solve first, just a value to store before erase it. The difficulty to feel the difference at high speed can be cause a too small world to see different distance to stop the avatar. Future tests will check this hypothesis.

For the user C, the problem of not enough difference between different surface have to be re testing at next test. Cause i already change variables, and maybe different user have different feelings. The opinion about a better feedback for the tank than for the unicycle have already be mention by user A. I probably add rotation to the unicycle when i solve the problem of how to keep it on the wheel.

All the other problems have been solve at the end of theses tests.

Second user test

You will have to test a simple level, with 3 type of avatar. I want feedback about the game, but I prefer focus about gameplay around the avatar. So you will perform the test and respond at simples questions next. I take notes in parallels of our discuss during the test or after.

User A: ? (hardcore gamer)

Order of test: Unicycle Tank Beetle

User B: ? (gamer)

Order of test: Tank Beetle Unicycle

User C: ? (none gamer)

Order of test: Beetle Unicycle Tank

User A:

Do you enjoy playing BBWoE, depending on witch avatar you have ? Unicycle:

  • Seams better than last time.
  • Balancing is good -> "quite perfect".


  • not enough rotation.
  • the car is easily stack on the back.


  • In floating plateform, too much to do at the same time (using maybe too much complex).

(Ask about other avatar)

  • About the control of theses avatars, do you have any remarks, advises ?
    • feels better
    • rotation is great
    • smoke effect is a good idea of feedback, but the picture is not

Do you think that it's adapt control for this kind of game (platformer, multiplayer, exergame) ?

  • Yeah, but the jump bar is useless...

If you have to play again at BBWoE, what avatar you probably prefer to use ? Why?

  • Unicycle, because the balancing is fun to manage.

If we decide to create fourth avatar, what kind of think that can be ?

  • Motorcycle (like trials game) or a simple wheel.

User B:

Do you enjoy playing BBWoE, depending on witch avatar you have ?


  • Harder than tank
  • But fun


  • Too much bounce when you pedaling faster
  • Need some improve about wheels behaviors (adding grip?)


  • Control feel more simple than the last time
  • Tank seams refine.

Note: Understanding how the triggers (rotation) work in 1 minute.

(Ask about other avatar)

About the control of theses avatars, do you have any remarks, advises ?

  • The rotation using the triggers seams intuitives.
  • The smoke is cool.
  • Lot more fun this time.

Do you think that it's adapt control for this kind of game (platformer, multiplayer, exergame) ?

If you have to play again at BBWoE, what avatar you probably prefer to use ? Why? Tank, it's the easiest to play.

If we decide to create fourth avatar, what kind of think that can be ? no se.

User C:

Do you enjoy playing BBWoE, depending on witch avatar you have ?


  • Have to keep your avatar straight -> increase interest.
  • More difficult, but more fun.
  • Quite natural.


  • Too light ?
  • Wheels too much slicy.
  • Why the car jump when i try to go fast ? (bad behavior)
  • Keep the speed too much time.
  • Wird position of the car body compare to the wheels


  • Much easier
  • Seams tank behavior
  • too high jump ?
  • pleasant
  • need to increase the width ?

(Ask about other avatar)

About the control of theses avatars, do you have any remarks, advises ?

  • I think it can be better to inverse thrumbstick and triggers...
  • The smoke is good effect, maybe a darker texture can increase the realism ?

Do you think that it's adapt control for this kind of game (platformer, multiplayer, exergame) ?

If you have to play again at BBWoE, what avatar you probably prefer to use ? Why? Tank because it's more easier to play, better control. But probably the Unicycle when I will be better.

If we decide to create fourth avatar, what kind of think that can be ? ---