CISC 877 Project Proposal

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CISC 877 project proposals should be emailed to me. Consult my list of project ideas for possible topics. If you wish to choose a topic that is not on the list, please consult with me first.

Your project proposal should contain the following information:

  • Name of your group
  • Title of your project
  • People in your group (name, student number, email address for each member)
  • Brief description of the goals of the project
  • Brief description of the interesting technological problem you will solve in the project
  • Brief description of the game you will develop to illustrate your solution to this technological problem
  • Brief description of the tools or technologies you anticipate using (e.g., Unity)

For much of this information, you will have to give your preliminary best guess. The information will become more concrete as the term progresses. The proposal should nevertheless be precise and carefully thought through.

The complete proposal should be two to three pages in printed form (1" margin, 11 point, 1.5 line spacing.)

Please read the above list carefully, and be sure to clearly include all of the information requested.

The proposal should be submitted in PDF format to the CISC 877 Moodle page.