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developed the peripheral displays tookit (PTK)

provides structured support for managing user attention in the development of peripheral displays

supports three issues, abstraction of raw input, rules for assigning notification levels to input and transitions for updating a display when input arrives. (abstraction, notification levels and transitions)

in a ubiquitous computing environment with more then one device, most displays must be in the periphery by definition

goal is to allow a designer to explore questions such as: Does a display interrupt the user? Is a change noticeable the next time she glances at a display? When should a display address the user?

present an analysis of and toolkit-level support for managing user attention through peripheral display design

abstraction - involves extracting features or reducing the fidelity of information so that it is easier to read “at a glance”

a display is easier to monitor when it can be read at a glance, info being displayed may need to be abstracted i.e. their motion montior replaces raw video stream with color indicating activity

notification level - display must specify the importance of making the user aware of a piece of information, higher notification level = more important information, the more important a stimulus, the more awareness it should consume

transition - display must change to indicate arrival and importance of new information

actual framework follows built five applications