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Follow these steps to set up the TerraGuide system. You should already have the Optitrack system set up and calibrated, if not please follow this tutorial Optitrack.


  1. Attach 4-6 markers to the tablet.
  2. Place the tablet on the center of the table, on it's front edge. The tablet should be standing up, facing into the scene.
  3. In Motive, go to View > Rigid Body Properties.
  4. Highlight the desired markers and click Create From Selection.
  5. Click the rigid body to change its properties. Set smoothing to 20 and deflection to 10. Min marker count should be set to 3.
  6. Go to View > Data Streaming. Select Broadcast Frame Data under Optitrack Streaming Engine.


  1. Open the Unity Project scene1.unity
  2. The Tablet Projector game object should have an OptiTrackObject script attached to it. Make sure that the Rigidbody Index variable is set to 0.
  3. Run the scene, you should see your tablet in the Scene view.
  4. Change the values of Scale and Origin under the Optitrack Manager gameobject. Fiddle with the values until you can walk around the table with the tablet and it is completely reflected in TerraGuide. Write down the values.
  5. Stop the scene and enter the values in again.

You are done! Just throw the client on the tablet view and it when you run it, select the Tablet configuration. Whichever computer has Motive on it is doing the streaming and must be the table.