Attributes of Structures

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Structures in Life is a Village have the following attributes. All attributes are natural numbers.

  • Housing: How many housing spaces this structure makes available. Some structures introduce their own villagers; such structures should always have at least enough housing spaces to accomodate that villager.
  • Cheer: How much the structure contributes to the village being a cheerful place.
  • Commerce: How much the structure contributes to the commercial activity of the village.
  • Input resource type: Some structures store or process resources. This attribute lists the possible resource inputs.
  • Output resource type: Some structures process resources. This attribute lists the resource type that may be extracted from the structure.
  • Capacity: Some structures (e.g., mining or logging stations) are used to store resources. This measures their storage capacity.
  • New Villagers: Some structures bring their own villager(s) with them. This specifies how many.

These attributes influence the Economics of Life is a Village.

The following table shows some examples of structures and their attributes.

Structure Housing Cheer Commerce Input Resources Output Resources Capacity New Villagers
Log Cabin 2 0 0 - - 0 0
Fountain 0 1 0 - - 0 0
Dirt Road 0 0 0 - - 0 0
Log Bridge 0 0 0 - - 0 0
Logging Camp 0 0 0 Log Log 10 0
Saw Mill 1 0 0 Log Wooden Board 0 1
Grocery Shop 1 0 2 - - 0 1