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This page will lay out the steps needed to calibrate and use the Optitrack system.


Before we get started you will need each of these.

  • A computer with Motive installed. You can download motive here[1]. Make sure you download version 1.6 or higher to use USB 3.0. (Note: The current license on the Optitrack system only covers Motive software up to version 1.7.2. Any later versions will not validate without a new license.)
  • The USB Hardware Key
  • Cameras and Optihub
  • Calibration wand
  • Z-plane square


  1. Connect all cameras to the Optihub
  2. Plug the USB Hardware Key into the Optihub
  3. Connect the Opithub to a power source and to your computer with Motive installed.
  4. Start Motive


  1. Adjust your cameras so they all are viewing overlapping space. At least 2 cameras need to see the same image to provide tracking information, but the more cameras looking at the same spot, the higher the accuracy.
    1. TIP: Change your preset to Aiming for a greyscale video feed.
  2. Change the preset to Tracking. Try to minimize the amount of reflections in your scene by playing with the sliders in the Camera pane. Ideally, your entire scene should be black, with only the markers showing up as white.
  3. Click Block Visible in the camera calibration pane to hide the reflections. Make sure none of your markers are in the scene.
  4. Click Start Wanding and move the wand around your scene in all directions and heights. The more points the better!
  5. After ample wanding click Calculate and wait until you can click Apply Result.
  6. Save your calibration file.
  7. Take the z-plane square and set it on the tabletop with the arrow pointing to the back of your scene.
  8. In Motive, click Set Ground Plane
  9. Save.

Congrats! Now you are ready to start tracking and making rigid bodies! Follow TerraGuide this tutorial on getting tracking working in Unity.