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This page details how to create daily and weekly reports for the CP Fit 'n' Fun Project (User). It also describes how to modify the report generation program (Modifier).



In this section I will describe how to get access to the game log files, get the report generation program on your computer, and how to create both daily and weekly reports. Note: If at any point you are confused as to how some file is supposed to look, look at old complete trial files as an example.

Getting Access To Game Log Files

  1. If you do not already have an existing dropbox account, create one. Important: Make sure that your dropbox folder is installed directly beneath your user directory (ie MichelleBrown\Dropbox). The report generation program expects the directory to be located here.
  2. Provide Nick Graham or Hamilton Hernandaz with your dropbox account username and request that they share the study file folders with you.
  3. Accept their folder sharing requests

Getting The Report Generation Program

  1. Make sure that you have a subversion account, if you do not have one, ask for one from Nick Graham. Make sure you request a subversion account for svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363 If you have never used Subversion, you will probably want to read about it first.
  2. Checkout svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363/CP Fit n Fun docs/Field Trial/CPFNFLogsAnalyser. If you are unsure how to do this, check out the page on subversion for instructions.
  3. Double click on the solution file (CPFNFLogsAnalyser.sln) to open it in visual studio.
  4. Once it is opened in visual studio, click 'Build' on the upper menu and then click 'Build Solution'
  5. After the build is completed close visual studio.
  6. You should now click on the 'CPFNFLogsAnalyser' folder, then on the 'bin' folder, then click on the 'Release' folder. You have now navigated to where the exe is located. If you will be accessing this program frequently you might want to create a shortcut and put it somewhere easily accessible.

Creating Daily Reports

  1. Double click on the CPFNFLogsAnalyser.exe or the shortcut you created.
  2. The program will automatically fill in the current date, if you want to generate reports for a different date, change it now.
  3. Press 'OK' and the program will generate the reports.
  4. Once it is done it will display the ids of the participants that had reports created. Make a note of these.
  5. Look in your dropbox folder for the created analysis files. There will be a new one for each participant that played that day. Use the previously noted id values to navigate to the proper folders in your dropbox. For example, if the program created analysis reports for participants 4 and 7 you would look in the folders cpfnf4 and cpfnf7 for the analysis reports.
  6. Once in the correct folders, open the analysis files for the correct day. The naming convention for these files is: ParticipantID_Date_Analysis.csv
  7. You will now need to copy all the generated values into the AnalysisAllDates.xlsx file. To open this file, look for the folder in your dropbox that begins with 'CP Fit n Fun field trial' and ends with the current trial dates. For example, 'CP Fit n Fun field trial May-June' is for the trial that took place throughout May and June. In this folder you should find the 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx' file. Double click to open it.
  8. Now you will copy the data from each new analysis file into 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx'. For each analysis file, copy the second column of the file into the proper sheet of the 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx' file. The proper sheet will be the one labelled with the same participant number as the analysis file. If you need an example of how this should look, you can look at the previous field trial sessions at their respective 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx' files.
  9. In the event that the max heart rate is '0', delete this cell from the spreadsheet so that it is blank. This means that no heart rate data was collected and you should report this to whoever is currently in charge of the project.
  10. After you are done copying the information from the analysis files into 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx' you can close them. Make sure not to close 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx', as you will still need it.
  11. Next you need to copy the new information in the 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx' file to the week reports. These week reports are in a different format as requested by those at Holland Bloorview.
  12. Open the file corresponding to the current week in the trial. If there is no file for the current week, create a new excel file.
  13. To easily create a new excel file for the current week, make a copy of last week's file and change the dates to the current week. Make sure to also remove last week's data.
  14. After you have the current week's file open, copy the new data from the 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx' file to the proper date column and proper participant sheet.
  15. Make sure the Sum and Average columns in the weekly report are up to date.
  16. For an example of how this should look, open week 9 in the 'CP Fit n Fun field trial May-June/Weekly Files'.

Creating Weekly Reports

  1. Open 'WeeklyEval.xlsl' this will be located in the same folder as 'AnalysisAllDates.xlsx'.
  2. Also open the file for the week of the trial you are currently in, ie. 'Week4.xlsx'.
  3. Scroll down to the third table in 'WeeklyEval.xlsx' titled 'Total Mins Played Per Person'.
  4. Make sure there is a row for the current week, if there isn't one, add it.
  5. Copy the 'Sum' values in the 'Minutes pedalling' row to the proper spot for each participant.
  6. Make sure there is an average on the right for the current week.
  7. Next we will fill in the second table, titled 'Total Mins Played'. Entries for this table could be added at the end of each day or all of them could be added at the end of the week.
  8. To calculate each day, look at that day's entry for each participant in in the file for the current week. Add each of the entries in the 'Minutes pedalling' for that day to get the total number of minutes pedalled on that day. Put this value in 'WeeklyEval.xlsx' under the proper day of the week.
  9. Repeat this for every single day of the week.
  10. Make sure that there is an average is the 'Avg' column.
  11. Next we'll fill in the first table, titled 'Number of players'. Entries for this table could also be added at the end of each day or all of them could be added at the end of the week.
  12. To obtain the number of players who played on each day count the number of participants who have entries in their weekly report for any given day. Put this number in 'WeeklyEval.xlsx' under the proper day of the week.
  13. Repeat this for every day of the week.
  14. Next we'll fill in the second to last table in 'WeeklyEval.xlsx'. This table is titled 'Mins Over 64% HR Max Per Person'.
  15. Look at the total for each participant in the current week file (ie. 'week6.xlsl') in the mins over 64% HR row.
  16. Record this value in in 'WeeklyEval.xlsx' under the correct participant and correct week. Colour the cell red if the participant played but did not have HR information collected for at least one of the days.
  17. Make sure the average row and column are correct for this table.
  18. The last table to fill in is the 'Games Played (Mins)' table. This will be computed at the end of the week.
  19. Scroll down to the last table in the 'WeeklyEval.xlsx' file.
  20. Look in the weekly file.
  21. Total up the number of minutes played for each game in the last week. Make sure that this is done for each participant.
  22. Put the total number of minutes for each game in the table.
  23. Make sure that the total and avg entries are correct.


In this section I will describe how to get access to the report generation program and how to modify it.

Getting The Report Generation Program

  1. Make sure that you have a subversion account, if you do not have one, ask for one from Nick Graham. Make sure you request a subversion account for svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363 If you have never used Subversion, you will probably want to read about it first.
  2. Checkout svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363/CP Fit n Fun docs/Field Trial/CPFNFLogsAnalyser. If you are unsure how to do this, check out the page on subversion for instructions.
  3. Double click on the solution file (CPFNFLogsAnalyser.sln) to open it in visual studio.

Modifying The Participant IDs

In main method of program change the string values being passed into the onePerson method to match the new participant ID values.

Committing Changes

After you change the program be sure to commit your changes back to subversion. In order to do this:

  1. Make sure you have tortoise SVN.
  2. Right click on the folder that contains the program files.
  3. Click 'SVN commit...'.
  4. Fill in a message describing your changes.
  5. Click 'OK'.

Getting The Histogram Program

  1. Make sure that you have a subversion account, if you do not have one, ask for one from Nick Graham. Make sure you request a subversion account for svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363 If you have never used Subversion, you will probably want to read about it first.
  2. Checkout svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363/CP Fit n Fun docs/Field Trial/CPFNFLogsAnalyser-Histogram. If you are unsure how to do this, check out the page on subversion for instructions.
  3. Double click on the solution file (CPFNFLogsAnalyser.sln) to open it in visual studio.

Getting The HR Daily Graph Generator

  1. Make sure that you have a subversion account, if you do not have one, ask for one from Nick Graham. Make sure you request a subversion account for svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363 If you have never used Subversion, you will probably want to read about it first.
  2. Checkout svn://equis.cs.queensu.ca:36363/CP Fit n Fun docs/Field Trial/CPFNFLogsAnalyser-DayHRGraph. If you are unsure how to do this, check out the page on subversion for instructions.
  3. Double click on the solution file (CPFNFLogsAnalyser.sln) to open it in visual studio.

Modifying the Minigame that is generated by the HR Daily Graph Generator

To change the minigame that the data is about. First scroll to the top of the code. The first variable in the code is called 'minigame'. Edit this value to the desired number and then recompile. The minigame values are as follows: '0' Gekku Race, '1' Biri Brawl, '2' Dozo Quest, '3' Round Up, '4' Wiskin Defence.