Collected Publications
Jifan Yang, Steven Bednarski, Alison Bullock, Robin Harrap, Zack MacDonald, Andrew Moore, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2024. Fostering the AR Illusion: A Study of How People Interact with a Shared Artifact in Collocated Augmented Reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 5: 1428765. 20 pages.
Michaelah Wales, Michael Wheeler, Gabriele Cimolino, Laura Levin, Jayna Mees, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2024. Process, Roles, Tools, and Team: Understanding the Emerging Medium of Virtual Reality Theatre. In Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024), ACM Press. pp 1-14.
Ensor Hieronymous Moriarty, Nathan Perriman, Josh Rutledge, Jack Taylor, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2023. Increasing Player Coupling in an Asymmetric Racing Game. In Extended Abstracts of Human Computer Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY), ACM Press. pp. 306-311. Winner, Experimental Gameplay Award.
Adrian L. Jessup Schneider and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2023. Supporting Aim Assistance Algorithms through a Rapidly Trainable, Personalized Model of Players' Spatial and Temporal Aiming Ability. In Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). ACM Press. 17 pages.
Gabriele Cimolino, Renee Chen, Carl Gutwin and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2023. Automation Confusion: A Grounded Theory of Non-Gamers’ Confusion in Partially Automated Action Games. In Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). ACM Press. 19 pages.
Maria Aufheimer, Kathrin Gerling, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Mari Naaris, Marco J. Konings, Elegast Monbaliu, Hans Hallez, and Els Ortibus. 2023. An Examination of Motivation in Physical Therapy Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory: Implications for Game Design. In Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). ACM Press. 16 pages.
Gabriele Cimolino, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Laura Levin, Michaelah Wales, and Michael Wheeler. 2022. You Should Have Stayed Home: How to Captivate an Audience in VR Theatre. In Extended Abstracts of Human Computer Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY), pp. 333-338.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Nia King, Helen Coo, Pavla Zabojnikova, Brendon Gurd, and Dawa Samdup. 2022. Design and Evaluation of an Exergaming System for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Children's and Families' Perspective. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, section Virtual Reality in Medicine. 3:817303. 18 pages.
Gabriele Cimolino and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2022. Two Heads Are Better Than One: A Dimension Space for Unifying Human and Artificial Intelligence in Shared Control. In Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). ACM Press. Article 8, 1–21.
Shakir Belle, Curtis L. Gittens, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2022. A Framework for Creating Non-Player Characters That Make Psychologically-Driven Decisions. In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/ICCE53296.2022.9730383.
Gabriele Cimolino, Sussan Askari, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2021. The Role of Partial Automation in Increasing the Accessibility of Digital Games. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 5, CHIPLAY, Article 266. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Gabriele Cimolino, Sussan Askari, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2021. Beyond Fun: Players’ Experiences of Accessible Rehabilitation Gaming for Spinal Cord Injury. In Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’21), October 18–22, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 20 pages.
Rachel Phinnemore, Gabriele Cimolino, Pritam Sarkar, Ali Etemad, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2021. Happy Driver: Investigating the Effect of Mood on Preferred Style of Driving in Self-Driving Cars. In Proceedings of Human-Agent Interaction. November 9-11, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.
Analyssa Cardenas, Daniel Warner, Lauren Switzer, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Gabriele Cimolino and Darcy Fehlings. 2021. Inpatient Exergames for Children with Cerebral Palsy following Lower Extremity Orthopedic Surgery: A Feasibility Study. Developmental Neurorehabilitation.
Adrian L. Jessup Schneider, Kathy Keiver, Alison Pritchard Orr, James N. Reynolds, Neven Golubovich, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2020. Toward the Design of Enjoyable Games for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–13.
Christophe Bortolaso, Jérémy Bourdiol and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Enhancing Communication and Awareness in Asymmetric Games, in Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing and Joint Conference on Serious Games, pp. 187-200. Springer, Cham, 2019.
Bernard Cheng and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Playing with Persiflage: the Impact of Free-Form Dialogue on the Play of Computer Role Playing Games, in Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing and Joint Conference on Serious Games, pp. 187-200. Springer, Cham, 2019.
Gabriele Cimolino, Sam Lee, Quentin Petraroia and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Oui, Chef!!: Supervised Learning for Novel Gameplay with Believable AI, in Companion Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '19), pp 241-246, ACM, 2019.
Shakir Belle, Curtis Gittens and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Programming with Affect: How Behaviour Trees and a Lightweight Cognitive Architecture Enable the Development of Non-Player Characters with Emotions, In 2019 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2019.
Maximus D. Kaos, Perttu Hämäläinen, Ryan E. Rhodes and T.C. Nicholas Graham (2019), Social Play in an Exergame: How the Need to Belong Predicts Adherence, in Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper 430, 13 pages.
Ryan E. Rhodes, Maximus D. Kaos, Mark R. Beauchamp, Shelly K. Bursick, Amy E. Latimer-Cheung, Hamilton Hernandez, Darren E.R. Warburton and T.C. Nicholas Graham (2018), Effects of Home-Based Exergaming on Child Social Cognition and Subsequent Prediction of Behavior. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28(10): 2234-2242.
Maximus D. Kaos, Mark R. Beauchamp, Shelly Bursick, Amy E. Latimer-Cheung, Hamilton Hernandez, Darren E.R. Warburton, Christopher Yao, Zi Ye, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Ryan E. Rhodes (2018). Efficacy of Online Multi-Player Versus Single-Player Exergames on Adherence Behaviors Among Children: A Nonrandomized Control Trial, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 52:878–889.
Susan Hwang, Adrian L Jessup Schneider, Daniel Clarke, Alexander Macintosh, Lauren Switzer, Darcy Fehlings and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2017. How Game Balancing Affects Play: Player Adaptation in an Exergame for Children with Cerebral Palsy, in Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems, 699-710.
Alexander MacIntosh, Lauren Switzer, Susan Hwang, Adrian L. Jessup Schneider, Daniel Clarke, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Darcy L. Fehlings. Ability-Based Balancing Using the Gross Motor Function Measure in Exergaming for Youth with Cerebral Palsy. Games for Health Journal. October 2017, 6(6): 379-385.
Alexander MacIntosh, Lauren Switzer, Hamilton Hernandez, Susan Hwang, Adrian L. Jessup Schneider, Daniel Moran, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Darcy L. Fehlings. Balancing for Gross Motor Ability in Exergaming Between Youth with Cerebral Palsy at Gross Motor Function Classification System Levels II and III. Games for Health Journal. April 2017, 6(2): 104-110.
Adrian L. Jessup Schneider and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2017. Nudging and Shoving: Using in-game cues to guide player exertion in exergames, Entertainment Computing, Vol. 19, 83-100.
Daniel Clarke, Graham McGregor, Brianna Rubin, Jonathan Stanford and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2016. Arcaid: Addressing Situation Awareness and Simulator Sickness in a Virtual Reality Pac-Man Game. In Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts (CHI PLAY Companion '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 39-45.
Mallory Ketcheson, Luke Walker and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2016. Thighrim and Calf-Life: A Study of the Conversion of Off-the-Shelf Video Games into Exergames. In Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2681-2692.
Chad Richards and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Developing Compelling Repetitive-Motion Exergames by Balancing Player Agency with the Constraints of Exercise. In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2016). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 911-923.
Mallory Ketcheson, Zi Ye and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2015. Designing for Exertion: How Heart-Rate Power-ups Increase Physical Activity in Exergames. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY ‘15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 79-89.
Adrian L. Jessup Schneider and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2015. Pushing Without Breaking: Nudging Exergame Players While Maintaining Immersion. In Proceedings of the Games Entertainment Media Conference (GEM). IEEE, 1-8.
Chad Richards and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2015. Brains & Brawn: A Strategy Card Game for Muscle-Strengthening Exercises. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 783-786.
Bernard Cheng, Mallory Ketcheson, Jordan van der Kroon, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2015. Corgi Defence: Building In A Virtual Reality Environment. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 763-766.
Liam Collins, Stefan Eylott, John Leedale, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. 2015. Alaska Steve: Using Virtual Reality to Enhance a 2D Platforming Game. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 767-770.
Matthew Oskamp, Christophe Bortolaso, Robin Harrap, and T.C. Nicholas Graham. TerraGuide: Design and Evaluation of a Multi-Surface Environment for Terrain Visibility Analysis. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '15), May 2015, pp 3553-3562.
Stacey D. Scott, T.C. Nicholas Graham, James R. Wallace, Mark Hancock and Miguel Nacenta, Supporting “Local Remote” Collaboration: Applying and Adapting Remote Group Awareness Techniques to Adapting Remote Group Awareness Techniques to Co-located Settings, in Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, March 2015, pp 319-324.
Christophe Bortolaso, Matthew Oskamp, Carl Gutwin, Greg Phillips and T.C. Nicholas Graham, The Effect of View Techniques on Collaboration and Awareness in Tabletop Map-Based Tasks, in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), 2014, pp 79-88.
Chad Richards, Craig W. Thompson and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Beyond Designing for Motivation: The Importance of Context in Gamification, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, ACM Press, 2014, pp 217-226.
Cheryl Savery and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Reducing the Negative Effects of Inconsistencies in Networked Games, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY), ACM Press, 2014, pp 237-246.
Hamilton A. Hernandez, Mallory Ketcheson, Adrian Schneider, Zi Ye, Darcy Fehlings, Lauren Switzer, Virginia Wright, Shelly K. Bursick, Chad Richards and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Design and Evaluation of a Networked Game to Support Social Connection of Youth with Cerebral Palsy, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), ACM Press, 2014, pp 161-168.
Shannon Knights, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Lauren Switzer, Hamilton Hernandez, Zi Ye, Briar Findlay, Wen Yan Xie and Darcy Fehlings, An innovative cycling exergame to promote cardiovascular fitness in youth with cerebral palsy: A brief report, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 1-6, 2014.
Dan Moran, Carey Metcalfe and T.C. Nicholas Graham, IRC Quest: Using the Commons Dilemma to Support a Single-Screen Game for Hundreds of Players, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY), ACM Press, 2014, pp 359-362.
Christophe Bortolaso, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Matthew Oskamp, Stacey D. Scott, Doug Brown, and Liam Porter, Design of a Multi-Touch Tabletop for Simulation-Based Training. International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium ICCRTS, 2014.
Christophe Bortolaso, Matthew Oskamp, Nicholas Graham, Carl Gutwin, Greg Phillips. 2014. The Effects of View-Control on Collaboration and Awareness in Tabletop Map-Based Tasks. In Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), ACM Press, 79-88
Cheryl Savery, T. C. Nicholas Graham, Carl Gutwin and Michelle Brown, The Effects of Consistency Maintenance Methods on Player Experience and Performance in Networked Games, CSCW 2014, pp 1344-1355.
Christophe Bortolaso, Matthew Oskamp, T.C. Nicholas Graham, and Doug Brown. OrMiS: A Tabletop Interface for Simulation-Based Training. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces – ITS ’13, ACM Press, pp 145–154, 2013.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Irina Schumann, Mrunal Patel, Quentin Bellay, and Raimund Dachselt. 2013. Villains, architects and micro-managers: what Tabula Rasa teaches us about game orchestration. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 705-714.
Hamilton A. Hernandez, Zi Ye, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Darcy Fehlings, and Lauren Switzer. 2013. Designing action-based exergames for children with cerebral palsy. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1261-1270.
Zi Ye, Hamilton A. Hernandez, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Darcy Fehlings, and Lauren Switzer. 2013. Liberi: bringing action to exergames for children with cerebral palsy. In CHI ‘13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ‘13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2815-2816.
Cheryl Savery, Christophe Hurter, Rémi Lesbordes, Maxime Cordeil and T.C. Nicholas Graham, When Paper Meets Multi-Touch: A Study of Multi- Modal Interactions in Air Traffic Control, In Proceedings of INTERACT, 2013, 196–213
Cheryl Savery and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Timelines: simplifying the programming of lag compensation for the next generation of networked games, Multimedia Systems: Volume 19, Issue 3 (2013), Pages 271-287, 10.1007/s00530-012-0271-3
Ryan Rhodes, Nicholas Graham, Christopher Yao. 2013. Exergames for Cancer Prevention in Youth: Challenges and Contemporary Research. Interdivisional Review, Canadian Physiotherapy Association - Orthopaedic Division, 52-59.
Zi Ye, Hamilton A. Hernandez, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Darcy Fehlings, Lauren Switzer, Md Ameer Hamza, and Irina Schumann. 2012. Liberi and the racer bike: exergaming technology for children with cerebral palsy. In Proceedings of the 14th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility (ASSETS ‘12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 225-226.
Hamilton A. Hernandez, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Darcy Fehlings, Lauren Switzer, Zi Ye, Quentin Bellay, Md Ameer Hamza, Cheryl Savery, and Tadeusz Stach. 2012. Design of an exergaming station for children with cerebral palsy. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2619-2628.
James R. Wallace, Joseph Pape, Yu-Ling Chan, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Stacey D. Scott and Mark Hancock, Exploring Automation in Digital Tabletop Board Games, in Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2012), pp 231-234, 2012.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Quentin Bellay, Irina Schumann and Amir Sepasi, Toward Game Orchestration: Tangible Manipulation of In-Game Experiences, in Proceedings of Tangible and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2012), pp 187-188, 2012.
Banani Roy, T.C. Nicholas Graham, and Carl Gutwin, DiscoTech: A Plug-In Toolkit to Improve Handling of Disconnection and Reconnection in Real-Time Groupware, in Proceedings of CSCW, 2012, pp. 1287-1296
Jason Kurczak, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Claire Joly and Regan L. Mandryk, Hearing is Believing: Evaluating Ambient Audio for Location-Based Games, in Proceedings of ACE 2011, pp. 1-8, 2011
Tadeusz Stach and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Exploring Haptic Feedback in Exergames, in Proceedings of INTERACT 2011, pp 18-35, 2011
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Emmanuel Dubois, Christophe Bortolaso and Christopher Wolfe, Scenarchitectures: The Use of Domain-Specific Architectures to Bridge Design and Implementation, in Proceedings of INTERACT, Springer LNCS vol. 6947, pp. 341-358, 2011.
Cheryl Savery and T.C. Nicholas Graham, What + When = How: The Timelines Approach to Consistency in Networked Games, in Proceedings of NetGames 2011, pp. 1-2, 2011
Jason Kurczak and T.C. Nicholas Graham, TREC: Platform-Neutral Input for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications, in Proceedings of EICS 2011, pp. 283-288, 2011
Cheryl Savery and T.C. Nicholas Graham, It’s About Time: Confronting Latency in the Development of Groupware Systems, in Proceedings of CSCW 2011, pp. 177-186, 2011
Christopher Wolfe, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Joseph A. Pape, Seeing through the Fog: An Algorithm for Fast and Accurate Touch Detection in Optical Tabletop Surfaces, in Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), pp. 73-82, 2010.
Cheryl Savery, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Carl Gutwin, The Human Factors of Consistency Maintenance in Multiplayer Computer Games, in Proceedings of GROUP’10, pp. 187-196, 2010.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Five Grand Challenges in the Engineering of Networked Digital Games, in Proceedings of Distributed Engineering of Virtual Environments, 4 pages, 2010.
Joey A. Pape and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Coordination Policies for Tabletop Gaming, in Graphics Interface Poster Proceedings, pp. 24-25, 2010.
Matthew Brehmer, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Tadeusz Stach, Activate Your GAIM: A Toolkit for Input in Active Games, in Proceedings of FuturePlay, pp. 151-158, 2010.
J. David Smith and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Raptor: Sketching Games with a Tabletop Computer, in Proceedings of FuturePlay, pp. 191-198, 2010.
Carl Gutwin, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Christopher Wolfe and Nelson Wong, Gone But Not Forgotten: Designing for Disconnection in Synchronous Groupware, in Proceedings of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, pp. 179-188, 2010.
Christopher Wolfe, J. David Smith and T.C. Nicholas Graham, A Model-Based Approach to Engineering Collaborative Augmented Reality, in Emmanuel Dubois, Philip Gray and Laurence Nigay, editors, Engineering Mixed Reality, Springer, pp. 293-312, 2010.
Tadeusz Stach, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Matthew Brehmer and Andreas Hollatz, Classifying Input for Active Games, in Proceedings of Advances in Computer Entertainment, ACM, pp. 379-382, 2009.
Christopher Wolfe, T.C. Nicholas Graham and W. Greg Phillips, An Incremental Algorithm for High-Performance Runtime Model Consistency, in Proceedings of MODELS, pp. 357-371, 2009.
Tadeusz Stach, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Jeffrey Yim and Ryan Rhodes, Heart Rate Control of Exercise Video Games, in Proceedings of Graphics Interface, ACM, pp. 125-132, 2009.
Christopher Wolfe, T.C. Nicholas Graham, W. Greg Phillips and Banani Roy, Fiia: User-Centered Development of Adaptive Groupware Systems, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 275-284, 2009.
Xiao Feng Qiu and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Flexible and Efficient Platform Modeling For Distributed Interactive Systems, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 29-34, 2009.
Christopher Wolfe, J. David Smith and T.C. Nicholas Graham, A Low-Cost Infrastructure for Tabletop Games, in Proceedings of FuturePlay, pp. 145-151, ACM Press, 2008.
Jeffrey Yim, Eric Qiu and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Experience in the Design and Development of a Game Based on Head-Tracking Input, in Proceedings of FuturePlay, ACM Press, pp. 236-239, 2008.
Banani Roy and T.C. Nicholas Graham, An Iterative Framework for Software Architecture Recovery: An Experience Report, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Software Architecture, LNCS, pp. 210-224, 2008.
Barry Long, Juergen Dingel and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Experience Applying the SPIN Model Checker to an Industrial Telecommunications System, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, ACM Press, pp. 693-702, 2008.
Kevin Grad, T.C. Nicholas Graham and James Stewart, Effective Use of the Periphery in Game Displays, in Proceedings of FuturePlay, ACM Press, pp. 69-76, 2007.
Jeffrey Yim and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Using Games to Increase Exercise Motivation, in Proceedings of FuturePlay, ACM, pp 166-173, 2007.
Jeff Dyck, Carl Gutwin, T.C. Nicholas Graham and David Pinelle, Beyond the LAN: Techniques from Networked Games for Improving Groupware Performance, in Proceedings of Group, ACM Press, pp. 291-300, 2007.
J. David Smith, T.C. Nicholas Graham, David Holman and Jan Borchers, Low-Cost Malleable Surfaces with Multi-Touch Pressure Sensitivity, in Proceedings of the Second IEEE TABLETOP Workshop, IEEE Xplore, pp. 205-208, 2007.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Rick Kazman and Chris Walmsley, Agility and Experimentation: Practical Techniques for Resolving Architectural Tradeoffs, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, ACM Press, pp. 519-528, 2007.
James Wu and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Toward Quality-Centered Design of Groupware Architectures, in Proceedings of Engineering Interactive Systems, pp. 339-355, 2007.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, W. Greg Phillips and Christopher Wolfe, Quality Analysis of Distribution Architectures for Synchronous Groupware, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom), IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-9, 2006.
Robert D.S. Fletcher, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Christopher Wolfe, Plug-replaceable Consistency Maintenance for Multiplayer Games, in Proceedings of NetGames, ACM Digital Library, pp. 34-37, 2006.
J. David Smith and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Use of Eye Movements for Video Game Control, in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2006), ACM Digital Library, pp. 20-27, June 2006.
T.C. Nicholas Graham and Will Roberts, Toward Quality-Driven Development of 3D Computer Games, in Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS 2006), Springer LNCS, pp. 248-261, July 2006.
W. Greg Phillips. The Workspace Model: Dynamic Distribution of Interactive Systems. PhD Thesis, Queen's University, 2006.
W. Greg Phillips, T. C. Nicholas Graham and Christopher Wolfe. A Calculus for the Refinement of Multi-User Mobile Applications. In Proceedings of Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS 2005), Springer Verlag, pp. 137-148, 2005.
James Wu and T. C. Nicholas Graham. Workstyles: An Evaluation Model for the Design of Interactive Systems. Revue de l’Interaction Homme-Machine, special issue on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces (5):1, 89-107, 2004.
James Wu and T. C. Nicholas Graham, The Software Design Board: A Tool Supporting Workstyle Transitions in Collaborative Software Design, in Proceedings of Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction and Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems, LNCS 2844, Springer Verlag, 92-106, 2004.
Baha Jabarin and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Architectures for Widget-Based Plasticity, in Proceedings of Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS 2003), Springer LNCS, 124-138, 2003.
W. Greg Phillips and T.C. Nicholas Graham, Workspaces: A Multi-level Architectural Style for Synchronous Groupware, in Proceedings of Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS 2003), Springer LNCS, 92-106, 2003.
James Wu, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Paul Smith, A Study of Collaboration in Software Design, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE 2003), IEEE Press, pp. 304-313, 2003.
Christopher J. Turner, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Christopher Wolfe, Arthur G. Ryman, Julian Ball, David Holman and Hugh D. Stewart, Visual Constraint Diagrams: Runtime Conformance Checking of UML Object Models vs Implementations](, in Proceedings of Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2003), The Printing House, pp. 271-276, 2003.
James Wu, T. C. Nicholas Graham, Katie Everitt, Dorothea Blostein and Edward Lank, Modeling Style of Work as an Aid to the Design and Implementation of Interactive Systems, in Proceedings of Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces (CADUI 2002), Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 217-228, 2002.
Timothy N. Wright, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Tore Urnes, Specifying Temporal Behaviour in Software Architectures for Groupware Systems, in Proceedings of Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS’2000), Springer LNCS, pp. 1-18, 2001.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Leon A. Watts, Gaëlle Calvary, Joëlle Coutaz, Emanuel Dubois and Laurence Nigay, A Dimension Space for the Design of Interactive Systems within their Physical Environments, in Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’2000), ACM Press, pp. 406-416, August 2000.
Gary E. Anderson, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Timothy N. Wright, Dragonfly: Linking Conceptual and Implementation Architectures of Multiuser Interactive Systems, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’2000), ACM Press, pp. 252-261, 2000.
Tore Urnes and T.C. Nicholas Graham. Flexibly Mapping Synchronous Groupware Architectures to Distributed Implementations. In Proceedings of Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS’99), 1999.
T.C. Nicholas Graham and John Grundy. External Requirements of Groupware Development Tools. In Proceedings of Engineering for HCI (EHCI98), Kluwer Academic Press, 1999.
Said S. Elnaffar and T.C. Nicholas Graham. Semi-Automated Linking of User Interface Design Artifacts. In Proceedings of Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces (CADUI’99), Kluwer Academic Press, 1999.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Hugh D. Stewart, Arthur G. Ryman, A. Reza Kopaee and Rittu Rasouli. A World-Wide-Web Architecture for Collaborative Software Design. In Proceedings of Software Technology and Engineering Practice (STEP’99), IEEE Press, 1999.
Judy Brown, T.C. Nicholas Graham and Timothy Wright. The Vista Environment for the Coevolutionary Design of User Interfaces. In Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’98), ACM Press, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 376-383, April 1998.
T.C. Nicholas Graham and Tore Urnes. Integrating Support for Temporal Media into an Architecture for Graphical User Interfaces. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE97). IEEE Computer Society Press, Boston, USA, May 1997.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. GroupScape: Integrating Synchronous Groupware and the World Wide Web. In Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT’97). Chapman and Hall, Sydney, Australia, pp. 547-554, July 1997.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Catherine A. Morton and Tore Urnes. ClockWorks: Visual Programming of Component-Based Software Architectures. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Academic Press, pp. 175-196, July 1996.
T.C. Nicholas Graham and Tore Urnes. Linguistic Support for the Evolutionary Design of Software Architectures. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Software Engineering. IEEE Computer Society Press, Berlin, Germany, pp. 418-427, March 1996.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. A Method for the Formal Testing of Program Visualization Tools. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Program Comprehension. IEEE Computer Society Press, Berlin, Germany, pp. 45-54, March 1996.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Tore Urnes and Roy Nejabi. Efficient Distributed Implementation of Semi-Replicated Synchronous Groupware. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST’96). ACM Press, Seattle, USA, pp. 1-10, November 1996.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. The Clock Language: Preliminary Reference Manual. November 1996.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. Viewpoints Supporting the Development of Interactive Software. In Proceedings of Viewpoints 96: International Workshop on Multiple Perspectives in Software Development, ACM Press, San Francisco, USA, pp. 263-267, October 1996.
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Herbert Damker, Catherine A. Morton , Eric Telford and Tore Urnes. The Clock Methodology: Bridging the Gap Between User Interface Design and Implementation. York University Technical Report CS-96-04. York University, August 1996.
Eric Telford. Developing a UAN Browser in ClockWorks: a Case Study of Incremental Development using the Clock Methodology. York University Technical Report CS-96-03. York University, June 1996.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. Declarative Development of Interactive Systems. Volume 243 of Berichte der GMD. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, July 1995.
Gekun Song. Mixing Visual and Textual Programming in a Functional Language. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, York University, May 1995.
Roy Nejabi. Linguistic Support for Developing Groupware Systems. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, York University, July 1995.
Tore Urnes and Roy Nejabi. Tools for Implementing Groupware: Survey and Evaluation. York University Technical Report CS-94-03. June 1994.
Catherine A. Morton. Tool Support for Component Based Programming. York University Technical Report CS-94-02. M.Sc. Thesis, York University, May 1994.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. Temporal Constraint Functional Programming: A Declarative Framework for Concurrency and Interaction. In John Darlington and Roland Dietrich, editors, Declarative Programming, Springer Verlag Workshops in Computing, pp. 83-100, 1992.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. Constructing User Interfaces with Functions and Temporal Constraints. In Brad Myers, editor, Languages for Developing User Interfaces. Jones and Bartlett, Boston, pp. 279-302, 1992.
James R. Cordy and T.C. Nicholas Graham. GVL: Visual Specification of Graphical Output. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 3:25-47, Academic Press, 1992.
T.C. Nicholas Graham. Future Research Issues in Languages for Developing User Interfaces. In Brad Myers, editor, Languages for Developing User Interfaces. Jones and Bartlett, Boston, pp. 401-418, 1992.
T.C. Nicholas Graham and Tore Urnes. Relational Views as a Model for Automatic Distributed Implementation of Multi-User Applications. In Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), ACM Press, Toronto, Canada, November 1992.
: Best paper award
: Best paper honourable mention award